He is unlimited in power He is the omnipotent God. Psalm 62:11 says, God has spoken once, twice have I heard this that power belongs to God. Next time somebody tells you that you cannot make progress, that you will not be promoted, that you will not have a child, that you will die sick, that you will die poor, turn to the person and say, “Power belongs to my God.”
Jeremiah 32:27 says, “Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh: is there anything too hard for me?”
The word omnipotent is a combination of two words; Omni and potent. Omni means, ‘All’ while potent means ‘Power.’ Omnipotent is the One who has all power. One of the basic differences between man and God is limitation. Man is limited, but our God is not limited. Man is limited by strength. In Isaiah 40: 30, the Bible says, even the young men shall faint. Strong as they are, they can faint, they can fall.
Man is limited by death. James 4: 13-14 says, the life of a man is like a vapour. You can wake up and say, “Tomorrow, I will do this and that” You are like a vapour. You are here today and you are gone tomorrow but God is not limited.
God is not limited in strength. The Bible according to Isaiah 40: 20-28 says, “He is never tired, never weary.” Psalm 121:3-4 says, He does not even need to neither sleep nor slumber because, He is never tired and He is not limited by death. Revelations 4: 9 says He lives forever and ever.
Many at times, people will promise you something and they actually want to fulfil it; but they die before they could fulfil the promise, but God is alive forever more. He never dies! Psalm 90:1-2 tells us that He has been before the mountains. He said from everlasting to everlasting He is God.
One of the beautiful things about God is that He has no beginning, because everything that has a beginning must have an ending. That is why whatever problem you have now must have an end because it has a beginning but God has no beginning; that is why He has no end. Our God is unlimited.
God is not limited by resources. Many at times, your heart desires to do things, but you don’t have the resources or the ability to do them. There are some people who love to buy buses that will convey people to the Holy Ghost service. Some love to build a church every month. I pray that the One who is unlimited by resources will meet all your needs today in Jesus name.
He is not limited by resources because, according to Genesis 17: 1, He is the All-sufficient One. In Psalm 24:1, the Bible says the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof. Haggai 2: 8 says silver and gold belongs to Him. In 1 kings 17: 2- 6, the Almighty God sent birds to bring bread and meat to His prophet twice a day. Somebody asked, “Where were they getting the bread and meat from? We are talking about the All-sufficient God who had been baking bread before bread was made; who had been providing meat, before meat came to be. We are talking about the God who can rain food from heaven, the One who can bring water out of a rock, the One who can say “be” and it will be. That God is alive and He will put an end to poverty in your life in Jesus name.
In Matthew 17:24-27, the Bible talks about a fish with money in its mouth. Somebody asked, “Where did the fish get the money from?” The Almighty God knows all the minting company in the whole world and He knows how to get whatever He wants and as far as I am concerned, how He does it is none of my business. How He brought bread and meat for Elijah and money for Peter through the mouth of the fish is none of my business. All that is important is that my miracle comes to me when I need it. I decree to your life today, as soon as you need a miracle, it will arrive in Jesus name.
Our God is unlimited by love. His love is unlimited. Human beings have limited love. They love you if you love them in return. Occasionally, they love somebody because he is their child but the elders have a saying that, ‘if the fire burns you and burn your child, you will remove your own first.” As much as you say you love your child, there is a limit to that love. The word of God says ‘can a woman forget the child of her womb? And He answers the question for us and says “yes she may, but I will never forget you.”
In 1 John 4: 8, the Bible says, He is love. John 3: 16 tells us that God so loves us that He gave His son to die for the world. In Genesis 26, there was famine in the land and things were hard. Isaac wanted to run away from the land, but God told him not to leave. He said he should sow and as he sowed, Isaac reaped in the land a hundred fold and became the envy of the nation. What happened to Isaac in Genesis 26 will happen to someone reading this printed sermon in Jesus name.
The Bible in Romans 5: 8 says, while we were yet sinners, while we still hated God, God died for us. That is how much love He has. In John 15: 13, Jesus Christ said “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” Our God has unlimited love and unlimited resources and that combines to give Him unlimited generosity.
God is unlimited in generosity. In Romans 8:32, the Bible says the one who has given you His only begotten son, what else can He not give! In 2 Chronicles 1: 6 -12, all Solomon asked for was wisdom after he had been generous to give a thousand burnt offerings. After one thousand burnt offerings, God said “now I will show you I don’t get tired of giving, I will give you what you asked for and those things you didn’t asked for.” I pray for you today, that, “The blessing that God will give you and you will say, God this is too much, will come your way before the end of this month in Jesus name.”
In John 2:1-11 when they ran out of wine at the wedding in Cana of Galilee, and they told Jesus, He didn’t give them some few bottles. He gave them a hundred and twenty gallons. He gave them more than one litre of the purest of wine possible, because He could afford to be generous. He didn’t have to buy the wine, He simply spoke to the water and the water became wine.
In Psalm 23:5, David said, “Thou anoints my head with oil, my cup runs over” and I said to daddy “why the wastage! When the cup was full, why didn’t you stop?” He said “because I want this boy to know that there is much where this one is coming from.”
If you read, Genesis 26:12-14, the Bible says, by the time Isaac sowed in the land and the harvest began to come, he had a great store of servants. Servants were so many he was storing them as people will store food. Genesis 32: 6 talks about Esau who got just one little blessing and yet he had four hundred body guards. Everywhere he went, four hundred body guards went with him. You can then imagine the one that got the real blessing.
The blessing you are going to get from God will be the original one. That is why those who are wise don’t joke with their tithe, because God said in Malachi 3: 10 that, when you pay your tithe, you are trying Him to see what He can do. You are trying Him to see if He can open the windows of heaven and pour you just one blessing that there can be no room to receive.
Those who are wise don’t joke with their first fruits because He said in Proverbs 3: 9-10 that, if we honour Him with our first fruits, our barn will burst. There is a kind of blessing that you will have and there will be no room to contain it. Before the end of this year, somebody is going to stand on the altar and say, “brethren help me appeal to God to slow down this blessing a little.” He is more than enough. He is unlimited in resources, love, generosity and mercy.
God is unlimited in mercy. Ephesians 2: 4-5 says God is rich in mercy. Part of His wealth is mercy. Psalm 103:11 says, as the heaven is far from the earth, so is His mercy to those who fear Him.
In Mark 1:40-45, a leper came unto Him and said, “I know you can make me clean if you want to” and He was moved by compassion. Whenever His mercy takes Him over, He does things He will never have done ordinarily. He is the one who says you must not touch a leper; when you do, you will become unclean, but when His mercy gripped Him, He touched a leper. The mercy of the Most High God will move Him today and He will touch you in Jesus name.
In Romans 9:15, He said “I will be merciful unto who I will be merciful unto” in Mark 10:46-52, the cry of Bartimaeus was, “Jesus, thou son of David, have mercy on me.” Mercy means, “you get what you don’t deserve.” For example, a beggar by the road side, begging you for money didn’t work for you. The money in your pocket is not his own and you have something else you could do with the money but mercy compels you to give him something he does not deserve.
Let me share this story with you and back it with a decree. Years ago, I think it was in 1956, I was living with my uncle who was poor but I was poorer. If he had anything, we shared and when there is nothing, there is nothing. There was this day we were very hungry and there was no way food could come at all. Suddenly, a young girl came and said, “My sister said I should give you this pounded yam, vegetable and chicken.” My uncle said “I don’t know your sister. Are you sure”? The girl insisted so we took the food and my uncle said he would look for a gift to give her some other time and she left.
As soon as she left, we descended on the pounded yam and as soon as we finished it, the girl came back and said the food was not for him. I decree to you today, the miracle you don’t deserve, the Lord will send it to you this year. The miracle that is not even your own, the Lord will deliver it to your house this year.
Whenever He is moved by mercy, He will do what He didn’t plan to do. He is unlimited in resources, love, generosity, mercy, which allows you to get those things you didn’t even deserve, and He is unlimited in grace.
God is unlimited in grace. Ephesians 2:5-9 says, it is only by grace that we are saved. Romans 5:17 called His grace abundant grace. 1 Timothy 1:14 says His grace is exceeding grace. 1 Peter 4:10 says His grace is manifold grace and 2 Corinthians 12: 9 says, His grace is sufficient for all situations.
So many times, you would have tried but you have not measured up to standard; many a times you must have tried to pray but you have not prayed enough; you can fall back on His grace. Many a times you should have fasted but something hindered you from fasting; you can fall back on His grace. Many a times you should have had faith, you can fall back on His grace, because His grace is unlimited grace and that grace will be sufficient for you today in Jesus name.
He is unlimited in grace so that He can help you when you don’t qualify to be helped, so He will bless you when you don’t even qualify to be blessed or even when you have done little, He will add more to it. The Bible in James 4:8 says, “Draw nigh to God, and He will draw nigh to you….” He is saying that each time you take one little step of a man, He will take a giant step of His own, so when you take a little step, suddenly you will know you are close to God. You will know it is not you doing this but the grace of God. I pray for you today, that whatever little effort you make, the grace of God will amplify it in Jesus name.
He is unlimited in faithfulness. In Lamentations 3: 22-23, the Bible says great is His faithfulness. It says it is of the mercy of God that we are not consumed, that it is renewed every morning. In Romans 3:4, the Bible says, “let God be true and every man a liar” Numbers 23:19 says, “God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? Or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?” In Psalm 33:8-9 the Bible says, let all the earth fear before Him because He spoke and it is done. In 2 Corinthians 1: 20 He said His promises are yea and amen. God has already said concerning me and someone reading this, that throughout this year we won’t have any cause to complain, that is already said and nobody can change it. He is unlimited in faithfulness; once He says He will do something, you can be sure it won’t change.
He is unlimited in power He is the omnipotent God. Psalm 62:11 says, God has spoken once, twice have I heard this that power belongs to God. Next time somebody tells you that you cannot make progress, that you will not be promoted, that you will not have a child, that you will die sick, that you will die poor, turn to the person and say, “Power belongs to my God.”
God has spoken once, let the enemy try what they want, let them do their worst, God has spoken once, twice have I heard it that power belongs to God. In Matthew 28:18, Jesus says, “All power in heaven and on earth has been given unto Him.” That is why he said in Jeremiah 32: 27 that, “I am the Lord the God of all flesh is anything too hard for me? The God who can make dry bones live again, bring children out of stones, tell the sun to stand still or go backward, raise somebody who has been dead for four days, make a ninety year old woman pregnant again and said with me nothing shall be impossible is still alive and He is saying to you “All power belongs to me. I can do the impossible. I can solve all your problems. I can drown all your enemies, I can bury them alive and I can burn them to ashes.”
If you have not surrendered your life to Jesus, it will be impossible for Him to do all these in your life. Give your life to Him today and you are sure of getting all His promises.
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